Boat and BikingTour in Countryside
Just 110 km and 2.5 hours driving from Hanoi center, you have a chance to enjoy landscape in one of the most famous tourist province in the north of Vietnam. Most of backpacker chooses Ninhbinh as a stop-over for the trip through Vietnam. Among plenty of tourist sites such: Tamcoc – Halong bay on land, Cuc Phuong National Park, Vanlong Floating Chanel, Trang An Eco…
The price : 65 USD / 1 person
Hoalu – Tamcoc is perfect combination for a day trip to learn about a dark period when Vietnam was conquested by Northern Invader. Hoalu is a sacred land with two temple worshiping those kings in 10 century who gave great contribution for the nation. Next, lets take a boat trip along the Ngo Dong river to enjoy landscape in Tamcoc. You will know why its named Halong Bay on Land
AM : 8:00 – 8:30. Our guide & driver will pick you up at your hotel in Hanoi Old Quarter, then leave by coach to Hoa Lu (2.5 hrs). Visit the historic capital of Vietnam and the famous ancient temples of Le and the Dinh Dynasties. Then our bus will transfer you from Hoa Lu to Tam Coc for lunch around at 12:30PM.
PM : After lunch, boat trip to visit Tam Coc to see the beauty of the karst formations as you pass along their base and row into one of the many caves carved through the limestone. Then, cycle for an hour on quiet roads through villages, rice fields, rivers and rocky outcrops in Tam Coc – Bich Dong (around 5 km). Dive back to Hanoi and drop off at your hotel around at 18:00PM.
Full transfers by A/C tourist car
Boat trip
Entrance fee
English speaking guide.
Drinks on meals
Travel insurance
Personal expenses.
Children rates:
Free of charge for children under 1m (1 metre) , other expense pay by parents
50% rate of adult for children over 1m ( metre ) and under 1,2m ( 1,2 metre )
Children over 1,2m ( 1,2 metre ) and over are charged as adults
Two adults allow to bring one child.
Children 50% & 100% have one private seat and 1 mineral water as adults
Special request (diet or vegetarian, …) should be sent before your departure date.
The itinerary can be changed due to weather, tide levels and operating conditions.
After boat trip on the river, the boat rower always expect the guests tip about 1$ or 2$.
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